Mother’s Day Cacao Ceremony


On this unique and special evening, Morgan Rodriguez of Grounding Down will be guiding us through a cacoa ceremony to help in connecting deeply with our hearts.

Our journeys as mothers are vast but they all began with the birth our our babies. These sacred stories are not often shared or honored as they are personal, profound, and deeply sacred.

However, when we come together in the presence of other mothers to share in these experiences, we can help transcend cycles of shame, heartache, and pain. To move into empowerment and love for our stories.

Join us in healing, sharing, and being in ritual together. Come as you are and with your heart open.

This circle is for pregnant mamas, new mamas, seasoned mamas, and anything in between. Little ones stay at home for this circle to allow for mama-focused self-care time. We’ll also be discussing Yoni mapping and its therapeutic qualities of realigning to our sacred feminine.


Thursday, May 9, 2024


6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Coincide Yoga Studio, Evergreen CO (Address will be shared a few days before the event)

Reserve your spot


In ancient times, women sat together in circles to share in raising children, to aid in healing, and to support one another. We've lost this sense of connection and community. As a way to help us remember this potent medicine of connection, we gather in circle. We'll share, meditate, move a little, but most importantly, we'll be present with one another.

Please bring:

-Journal & pen

-Pillow/blanket to sit on

-Element to add to the altar representing your birth story